Designer Dupes

Just do it!

28 December 2016

Wednesday Wisdom #9 

It will be 2017 in less than a week and it is inevitable that we will begin to look back on 2016 and think of new resolutions for 2017. 

I believe we should always make resolutions because only waiting for the 1st of January to improve or make adjustments just doesn't make sense. We are all constantly changing and making mistakes throughout the course of a year, so why not have a 'resolution' throughout the year.

I think we can all agree that 2016 has been an eventful year. We have either seen or been a part of historical change that may or may not improve our world for the better. I personally must say that I have had better years but I have learned a lot and matured from my experiences in 2016. One thing that we have the power to do is to decide how 2017 will unfold for us. 

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.- Carl Bard

2017 is the year for doing things, what I mean by this is just living your life to the full. I think we all have the potential to do something amazing with our lives but whether we act upon that potential is the issue. 

Doubt is powerful, as once the seed of doubt has been planted it can grow and manifest till we don't believe in ourselves. Without trying to be cringey you only live once and regret is worse than rejection. Rather than saying 'what if' how about 'why not'. Whatever our aspirations are we need to act upon them because life is just too short and you are more likely to gain than lose out.

We often want things to happen but we also forget it will require work. If you work for it and try then expect good things to come. Things won't just happen and fall into place just how you like it without you trying. 

So, next year instead of questioning everything, just do it!

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