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Why you should register to vote!

19 May 2017

With the deadline approaching to register to vote, I want to try encourage those of you that have still not registered. You still have time as the deadline is on Monday 22nd May. I'm not writing this post to try influence your vote, but I am writing this so that you can have your say in your future.

This election is an important one, as is every other one, but the outcome of this election will determine our future and how issues such as Brexit will be handled. With the different parties throwing their manifestos around, it may be hard for you to decide. You may also think why should you vote or will your vote even count? Of course it will, there is this annoying idea that we don't have a say in what happens. We need to understand that, we the public hold the power.

If you don't vote or support what you believe in, then nothing will change. If you care about the NHS, tuition fees and how Brexit will play out, then look at what each party is offering. Think about how your vote will affect your future. Does the party you support go against your beliefs? By voting you can 'be the change that you wish to see in the world' - Mahatma Ghandi

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"- Martin Luther King 
This quote stresses my point even more about having your say. To improve socio-economic issues such as the housing crisis, you need to look at what party addresses your concerns, but how can you do that when you can't have a say because you didn't register. Even if your Ann EU resident living in th uk you can still vote for your local MP, so now your rights. Look at who you're supporting are they placing cuts on education, childcare the NHS or other topics that may be important to you. "Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don't vote" - George Jean Nathan This quote couldn't be more accurate, don't let others decide on your behalf. It takes five minutes to make sure you have your say, so don't spend five years regretting that you didn't make a stand.

I think we undermine the power we have, especially young people so it is our responsibility to ensure we all have a brighter future, by taking control of tomorrow. Go vote register at The deadline is on the Monday 22nd May.

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